Do you want to be ranked higher in Google? Well, you’ve come to the right place. You will learn the secrets on how to write SEO content that will give your website better visibility in search engines.

Writing an SEO text is simple. Good SEO content is the one that gives the best answers to a user’s question or search.

Optimizing the technical elements helps a little, but it is not essential and it is not, by far, as important as making content that people likes.

Now, how should you write an article? What do we have to know to write a correct text at SEO level?

Main aspects of a good SEO optimization

Do not worry, we’re not going to go into technical things: it’s common sense applied, like everything in SEO.

First of all lets have a closer look at what a search result look like ?? and what is his structure

The Keyword

A keyword is the term or set of terms that people use when they search in Google or any other search engine.

With this basic definition, you can already get an idea of the extraordinary importance they have. In fact, the vast majority of visits on the Internet pages are made through them, since there are very few users who, nowadays, type in the URL (web domain) directly.

Generally an article has to be written around a keyword or topic that is going to be searched for.

That is why it is important that you know that it does not matter if you hesitate between “car rental”, “cars for rent” or “rent a car”. The important thing is what lies behind. If the user’s intention corresponds to the purpose of your content, any of the options will be correct.

Do you know what people are looking for? As in principle you have no idea. You should always use tools like Übersuggest to give you search ideas, and Google Keyword Planner, Keywords Everywhere or SemRush to tell you the search volume of each of them.

When you have identified several that look good, do the searches yourself on Google and see which one has the strongest competition.

At first glance you can identify it by seeing if they are powerful websites or not (its always better to compete against Muhammed blog than Amazon).


The URL has to be fully optimized for the keyword or topic on which the content revolves. Eliminate words that do not add value, such as conjunctions, prepositions and other stop words.

Bad Example: / the-10-best-restaurants-in-dar-es-salaam /

Good Example: / best-restaurants-dar-es-salaam /

The title

How many posts have been made on how to write an SEO text?  You have to add something that differentiates your title from the other 50,000 similar search results. The title must be your declaration of intent.

Wrong: How to write SEO texts

Good: How to Write SEO Content to Rank Higher in Google

Keep in mind that the title must have between 50 and 70 characters to appear full in the search engines.

But you know what? A longer title may have more engagement in social networks, encouraging you to generate traffic, links and social signals (and this will mean better positions).

See below how our company ranks for the keyword “Digital Marketing in Tanzania”.

The description

The meta-description tag is the text that is displayed under the title in Google results. They do not influence much how they will rank your article or page, but instead they can influence people. If its informative and cool enough it might generate clicks.

Wrong: In this article you will learn to write optimized texts for SEO.

Good: Do you want to be ranked higher in Google? Well you’ve come to the right place. You will learn the 15 secrets on how to write SEO content that will give your website better visibility in search engines.

There are tools to see a simulation of how descriptions and titles will appear in Google results such as: Seomofo, SnipetOptimizer or Serpsimulator.

The text structure

Imagine that you read a newspaper where the news are display first, halfway through you see the heading, and at the end you find the subheading. If it does not make any sense to you, for Google either.

The H1 (H stands for Heading) should always appear before the H2, the H3 has to be placed within the H2, and so on.

Secondary aspects that might help your SEO impact

The keyword density

This is the number of times a keyword appears for every 100 words. Personally we would advise you to use your focus keyword no more than 3 to 5 times in your copy. If you over use it you will be penalised.

In fact, Matt Cuts, responsible for Google search, already made it clear that it is not so much of a positioning factor.

The length of your content

There is content of 100 words that can work well and other of 3,000 that can have the same results. Usually, the longer content tends to position better, but it is also because it tends to talk about a topic in greater depth, not because it is artificially extended.

We recommend to always plan your blogging strategy as follows:

  • Cornerstone Articles – Start by writing high quality long and thorough articles for a certain topic with no less than 2,000 to 3,000 words.
  • Cluster Articles – Once you have your cornerstone article in place start writing small articles that complement that topic with no less than 1,000 words each.

And do not forget to link well those articles together!

Image Optimization

Images should be always optimized. That means that you should make sure they are compressed so their size is not to big, the name of the image should match your keyword and the ALT attribute on every image should also contain that same keyword.

How do we write a text for users?

This is the difficult part of optimizing a text for SEO. You must make sure you give your readers what no one else is giving them.

Be the best

If after analyzing the competition you think there is room to improve what they are doing, do it. A simple way is to use the skyscrapper technique. It basically consists in detecting what is working for the competition and making it bigger and better.

Be unique

If everyone is talking about how to do SEO in 2017, do a post on how to do SEO in 2018 that analyzes industry trends. If everyone is applauding how integrated Social Media and SEO are, make a post saying that it is a hoax.

Most topics can be approached from very different perspectives.

Use your user’s language

Keep in mind that the user who seeks you will use their own words. It is essential that we take it into account, not only to increase traffic through those terms.

For example, suppose you are doing an article about frogs biologists:

Wrong: Frogs are animals that live in both water and land. They are green, have 4 legs and make “croac”.

Good: The anurans, incorrectly cataloged with the term “frog” or “toad”, are a group of amphibians with a taxonomic rank of order.

Now, let’s imagine that this same article is intended  5 year old children

Wrong: The anurans, incorrectly cataloged with the term “frog” or “toad”, are a group of amphibians with a taxonomic rank of order.

Good: Frogs are animals that live both in water and on land. They are green, have 4 legs and make “croac”.

Having these differences in mind is especially important to go to niches, to countries with different uses of the same language (English in UK is not used the same way as in USA) and different age ranges.

Be varied

If you only write, you will never make content that really outperforms others. One of the ways to offer something different is to use other formats: video, infographics, presentations, etc.

For example, upload a video to Youtube and insert it in the post, so you can use a combination of complementary keywords in each case, since Youtube videos also position, and at the same time improve the value of your content.

In this sense, never stop putting bold, links, quotes, images, videos and presentations that can make more enjoyable and more useful to read the content.

Use links

If you are writing a digital text, it will not be good unless you take advantage of the advantages offered by this environment. Each link that you give the option to your users to find information that complements what they are looking for, and if you link to their own content because it is relevant, you are generating links to them. What it means: more visits, more links, more authority and ultimately, more traffic.

Categorize your content

Make sure that your content, in addition to being well written, is well categorized. This will give you SEO traffic to the category pages, but it will also improve the interenlazado of your web, which will make it easier to find and improve your SEO potential.


The best thing you can do to have your content positioned in search engines is to respond perfectly to the user’s question.

But answering it is not only to provide more information than others: it also has to be more attractive, easier to interpret and synthesize, it has to have that provides more resources, has to be up to date, offer interaction with the community … and above all it has to be well written.

Do you know your users well? If the answer is negative, I can only recommend that you investigate and analyze until you know. .

So, know your audience, ensure the technical part and do it better than others. That is the secret of writing SEO texts.

Do you want your website to rank high in search engines but you do not have the time or experience to do so? Do you want to outsource that part of your business to a professional and experience team? Get in touch with us today  and we will help you plan and manage the best SEO strategy for your business.